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Community - Irwin's Bakery


We are a family organisation, with over 100 years experience in baking tasty breads to help you look after your family. Not only that, we love helping within the local community.

From involving ourselves with differing charities over the years, to supplying support in various ways to different organisations, Irwin’s Bakery prides itself on working with the local community.

Working with different sports has become a significant part of our plans for each year. Soccer, Gaelic Football, Hockey, Hurling and Rugby, both locally and across the province gain help from the bakery.

Alongside sport, our staff are heavily involved with raising money for the company elected charity.

Irwin’s Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives are also in place to make sure that we are doing the best for the local community – in terms of engaging with local people as well as doing the best for the environment.

All these initiatives involve Irwin’s staff donating time and energy into achieving the best results possible. Please take a look in detail at what we are doing in the community.