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Soda Bread – Rustic Italian Style -
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Soda Bread – Rustic Italian Style

Soda Bread – Rustic Italian Style

Serves 2

How To Make


  • 1 Irwin’s soda split length ways
  • 1 beef tomato
  • 1 ball of Buffalo Mozzarella sliced into 4
  • Fresh basil
  • Salt and pepper
  • Extra virgin olive oil


Brush soda with olive oil and fry in a dry, hot pan until golden and crispy. Place Mozzarella on hot soda and top with a well seasoned slice of beef tomato and a few leaves of fresh basil.

A little drizzle of olive oil or Truffle oil will bring all the flavours together. Try this! It’s easy and absolutely gorgeous, especially with a crisp glass of white wine at lunch.