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Big Softee Bread & Butter Pudding -
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Big Softee Bread & Butter Pudding

Big Softee Bread & Butter Pudding

Serves 4–6

How To Make


  • 10 slices white Softee (crusts off)
  • Approximately 50g real butter
  • A handful of currants
  • 250ml double cream
  • 100ml milk
  • 50g caster sugar
  • 1 vanilla pod
  • 3 eggs
  • Freshly grated nutmeg
  • 1 tbsp of corn flour


Bring to the boil cream and milk with vanilla pod.
Beat the eggs with the sugar and corn flour until pale. Now pour some of the hot cream mixture onto the eggs, stirring all the time. Pour the egg mixture into the cream and simmer until thickened.
Take off the heat and leave to one side.

Butter the bread and cut each slice into 4 smaller triangles. Now arrange one layer of buttered bread over the base of the baking dish, sprinkle some currants and pour over half the custard mix, then cover with another layer of the bread slices and the remainder of the currants. Pour the rest of the custard over the bread, sprinkle with some freshly grated nutmeg, and bake in a Bain-marie (larger oven dish half filled with water) for 30-40 minutes on a medium to high oven. Serve warm.